My first boss was, and still is, a friend.
When i met him for the first time, for an interview to be a stagier in copywriting, he looked at my works ( school works) and told me:
"we are just in the beginning here but we are going to blow it up."
When i met him for the first time, for an interview to be a stagier in copywriting, he looked at my works ( school works) and told me:
"we are just in the beginning here but we are going to blow it up."
He had just come from the best agency of the country in that moment.
And I was really in the beggining.
Twelve years latter, and many, many copywriters and art-directors later, the place where we used to work doesn't exist anymore. But everybody is Ok.
More than OK, everybody is doing better and better since then.
So much better that, at least ten Cannes Lions in Brazil belongs to those who started working with him.
Twelve years latter, and many, many copywriters and art-directors later, the place where we used to work doesn't exist anymore. But everybody is Ok.
More than OK, everybody is doing better and better since then.
So much better that, at least ten Cannes Lions in Brazil belongs to those who started working with him.
Of course not all of us decided to keep climbing the stairs to the Pallais, because ,with him, we also learned other things (mostly of them can be found in the video "sunscreen").
And he is a kind of crazy.
By the moment he used to get inside the room in the morning - we all worked in the same room, no that big, in the first year- until the minute he would leave, we knew something would not be missed in that place: energy. He has a lot.
He used to make us complements for good works and give us the bad news with the same optimism.
To see him sad could make us work for 48 hours consecutives.
And after that we knew he would make a party for us, or invent a game, or launch a new song for the week, or make us at least laugh…a lot.
As any other boss he made us tired and mad, many times.
As any good boss ( and I need to say I had many) he was surrendered by good people, and he used to trust on them.
He and his teams won many prizes for that agency, locals prizes and international ones.
But i have no doubt the parties he promoted for us are much more unforgetable than any one of them.
At that time he was tuff, critic, perfectionist and workaholic, and he had his reasons for that.
But he was also sweet and most important of all, a good teacher, because he knew how to inspire everyone of us.
And now, the guy is doing another party, but, I won't be able to be physically there.
So here is my message for him and for all the friends that worked with him:
Let's make life or advertising "du caralho!". Always.
So here is my message for him and for all the friends that worked with him:
Let's make life or advertising "du caralho!". Always.
That's it.
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Quando li o seu texto, agorinha mesmo, muito tempo depois de tudo o que rolou,
você me fez reviver um momento muito mágico na minha vida.
Como as lembranças voltaram a ficar fortes e me trouxeram uma felicidade estranha,
que estava ali, no cantinho, esquecida.
Você não imagina o quanto o seu texto mexeu comigo.
Obrigadão pelas palavras, que me dão força pra continuar tentando fazer coisas legais,
éticas, vivendo e compartilhando os momentos da vida com as pessoas.
Que bom que eu vejo que foi um momento mágico pra você também. Eu fiz muita
coisa que eu me arrependo, mas sempre tentei fazer o que eu achava certo.
As vezes eu lutava por vocês, as vezes eu lutava com vocês…
Mas era tudo muito engraçado, uma relação muito inocente, pura e sincera.
Foi um momento muito especial e eu pude conhecer muita gente especial.
Foi muito legal conviver com você na CasaBlanca.
Quando você chegou na agência eu não sabia onde você queria chegar.
Mas você detonou!!! E como detonou!!!
Ju, você foi trabalhou com tantas coisas diferentes e viveu em tantos lugares
diferentes que eu acho que a maioria das pessoas teria de viver várias vidas
para te acompanhar.
Você encarna o espírito livre, a vontade de experimentar sem medo
de mudar, mesmo sabendo de todos os riscos.
Que pessoa 'du caralho" vc se tornou!!!
Eu continuo sem saber onde você quer chegar, mas vejo que o caminho
que você você escolheu para percorrer é o mais bonito!!!
Parabéns pela pessoa que você é!!!
Bjão e obrigado pelo texto!!!
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